Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween is on Friday. It's not really celebrated in Japan, although it seems somewhat more popular amongst high school/college kids as an excuse to throw a party (but of course). Most people don't dress up though. I'm not really sure what I'm doing yet. Hmm.

It's mostly just odd, because Tokyo is still quite warm so it doesn't feel like Halloween - almost November! Tonight was probably one of the coldest nights so far, and it just meant I was a little chilly in my light sweater. During the day, jeans and t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt is still fine. This, plus starting school so much later than I am used to, is really messing with my sense of time...

There's no glorious fall foliage either - the few trees are either still green, or just turning brown and dried up. There would probably be more color in the countryside, but not in Tokyo.

I need to get out and explore Tokyo more. I keep getting mired down with classes and studying, which are important but... I haven't been doing much apart from that and having dinner near the dorms. I'll have to work on fixing that. Speaking of which, back to studying. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Hey Sasha! This is a really good blog and I enjoy reading your entries about life in Japan. One day I'd love to visit Japan, but for now I'll rely on your blogs lol
How old are you?

Silly Sasha said...

Thank you! :) I'm glad you enjoy it. Japan's a great place to visit - unfortunately rather expensive to get to though. I hope you make it over sometime.
And I'm 20, a junior.

Anonymous said...

Ah thats interesting.
What made you decide to move to Japan for University, instead of staying in USA?
Its good that you are, the best way to learn the language I suppose!
P.s: My blog is new so if you could give me any feedback I'd be greatful.

Caroline said...

Sounds like your having some fun, hope you get out and see more of Tokyo and outside Tokyo too. Did you email or meet up with any friends Neel or I introduced you too at his cousin's wedding. I think they lived in Tokyo? Hope you study less and explore more, I think that is what this year is all about.
