Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just about a month 'till Japan...

So here's my blog for recording my various escapades and travels in Japan. We'll see whether I grow to like fish and how I manage to embarrass myself in Japanese (hey, it's one of the fun aspects of learning a new language, always provides entertaining stories...)

Anyway. I leave a month from tomorrow to go to Atlanta, where I stay overnight with my aunt and uncle, before heading to Japan on the 15 of September to arrive on the 16. 

People keep asking whether I'm excited. So far, I've been mostly stressed - the study abroad office at GW, Waseda has not given me any information beyond the day I am supposed to get there... Oh, and the day I'm supposed to get there they have a pick-up service that takes you from Narita Airport to your dorm or homestay. However, your flight has to get in before 1:30 pm, and you can't check into your dorm after 5. ... I found one flight getting in at 1:25; most flights from America get in much later in the afternoon/evening. I sent Waseda an e-mail making sure this would still be okay, but I haven't heard back yet. Sigh. 

I go to get my Visa next week, right after getting home (as I'm in Colorado and they just sent the Certificate of Eligibility to my house a couple days ago). Eek.  I need to figure out what to pack when I get home, and seriously brush up on my Japanese. Apart from very basic stuff with the many Japanese tourists who have come into my work at Boulder, I haven't practiced at all this summer... Should be interesting!


Anonymous said...

Are you in a dorm or homestay

Silly Sasha said...

I'm in a dorm, just got a single. :)

Crizzle D Dizzle said...

buena suerte sash :)