Friday, December 26, 2008

Pic-post pic-spam!

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. I did not do anything terribly exciting for Christmas (except make yummy pancakes with a friend) so I will gloss over that and use this as mostly a picpost. Christmas is more of a romantic holiday here than anything (and they have 2 Valentine's Days - Valentine's Day and White Day. They sure love commercialized romance), since very few Japanese are Christian.

I just got photos from the yukata fan dance and the Shirakawa trip taken by someone involved with the dorm (ie, has a much better camera than mine), and organized them into my Flickr account.

So! Here's the fandance set.

And the Shirakawa photo set.

And here are some pictures of Nekobukuro.

Poor funny-looking cat

Grumpy-looking kitties!

I leave on Sunday for Osaka, Shizuoka, and Nagoya to stay with my friend's family for New Years. Should be an interesting experience!

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