Sunday, September 14, 2008

And off I go

Leaving tomorrow to arrive in Japan Tuesday afternoon. (I have a slightly convoluted flight path - overnighting in Georgia with my aunt and uncle.) Not sure when I'll have Internet - I think it takes a while to get it. We shall see... Hopefully it won't be too long, as I am slightly addicted to the Internet.

Terrified! Suitcases are bursting at the seams and hoping the big one is not overweight! Lost important stuff (but it's not really a proper trip unless I lose something important, gah. I hate how easily I lose things)! Have I mentioned I'm a wee bit nervous?

Anyway. じゃあ、まっだ日本で!

1 comment:

j said...

wooo off you go! i'm so excited for you! hope your endless flying isn't/wasn't too bad, hope to see another post soon!
