Wednesday, September 24, 2008

serious stuff, and harajuku

Here is my photo album, and I'll put some at the end of the post...

Dinner tonight with friends from GW who graduated and came back to Tokyo (since they're Japanese). Had a wonderful time, it was great to see them, although we didn't always have the most uplifting of conversations - apparently Tokyo is overdue for a huge earthquake, enough to do serious damage to the city, and my old dorm probably isn't exactly earthquake proof. Color me terrified. They were also talking about how common it is for the subway to be delayed due to men jumping in front of the train and committing suicide. They said certain lines are more popular than others, and sometimes the color of the line/train or the music played when the doors open or close can drive people to it if they're already stressed... The frequency and method of suicide is so odd. Apparently, there's about one suicide every 15 minutes - almost 100 a day. It has the same number of suicides as the US, but half the population. Internet suicide pacts started in Japan. In the US, I think suicides tend to be less public. There are jumping off buildings, or occasionally in front of cars/trains, but it's most common to use a firearm. And then, I think, to overdose on pills, hang themself, or something else more private. It's just odd, to see the differences... and very sad.

Anyway. Shibuya was a lot of fun, and we also went to Harajuku earlier in the day. Got some clothes.... Japanese fashion is very, very, very bizarre. Currently there's a lot of fur vests, plaid shirts, the Ugg-type boots, and basically looking like you're wearing sacks. I can't say I have been too impressed with a lot of Japanese fashion, not exactly up my alley... Though I do like the short skirts/knee length socks or leggings and boots. So I got the first two of three! I also realized that Japanese girls do not wear tank tops. And... spagetti stap tank tops make up the majority of my summer clothes. I got a lot of Japanese men leering at me. So now I have to find something to wear over/under them, which is a pain when it's as hot as it still is, despite being almost October. Boo.

Ah! Last week the Waseda International Club organized a nomihoudai and tabehoudai (all you can drink/eat) at an izakaya - type of Japanese bar. Hoo boy. The Waseda tennis club was there, and ... I have never seen people that drunk. Apparently the tennis club drinks more than it plays tennis. It was crazy. When Japanese people let loose, they REALLY let loose it seems. I thought American students were bad... The Japanese students who organized the trip to the izakaya were chugging big bottles of Asahi to cheers as fast as they could, taking sake shots, etc. They'd go puke, and then go back and drink some more. I tried sake and quite liked it, actually - now I just wish I knew what kind it was. Dratted kanji. It was quite the experience... I felt very bad for the people who worked there. Not a job I would ever want.

Anyway. Some photos!

Engrish sweater

Purifying at Asakusa



Caroline said...

Glad to read your blog, I can show it to your cousins too, the kids like seeing that stuff in photos. It sound like overall you are having a blast. Sorry about the earthquake, but I a sure you'll be fine, keeps your experience there rockin and rolling. Miss you

Caroline Neel and Co

Anonymous said...

wow, you have some very pleasant conversation topics. what's next? japanese domestic abuse? abortion?

i didn't quite understand some of the fashion either. big sack like shirts with large nonsensical english print doesn't seem very fashionable.
